Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

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last updated at 2002-10-02 23:06
dajobe: rdf in html, rddl, what's at the end of a namespace URI - rddl in rdf it seems
dajobe: what is a resource - punted, I read
dajobe: uris and qnames
dajobe: (xlink, hlink)
dajobe: what is a web architecture?
Kari: Hopefully a new version will say so, with a pointer to the old chump
chaalsNCE: Annotea would be one low-cost strategy for doing so (since it already allows querying for anotations == chumps on a URI
DanCon: 09 October 2002, Bristol, UK.
DanCon: my itinerary for WebOnt ftf + this workshop, as an xplanet diagram
DanCon: my itinerary for WebOnt ftf + this workshop, in RDF/xml. see semantic web travel tools for background/details
Mindswap group pictures
dajobe: the semantic web group MINDswap at University of Maryland, College Park
dajobe: Mindswap group meeting
dajobe: pic 1 - l-to-r: Aditya Kalyanpur, Ron Alford (hidden), Amy Loomis, Ronald Reck, Matt Westhoff, H. Ross Baker, Mike Grove, Jennifer Golbeck (partial)
dajobe: Jen Golbeck and Jordan Katz (golbeck and jordan in ircland)
dajobe: pic 2 - l-to-r: Jennifer Golbeck (golbeck) and Jordan Katz (jordan). In the window reflection: Bijan Parsia (left), ? and me
dajobe: pic 1 irc nicks (aditya, ronwalf, Bayta, ?, ?, ?, mhgrove, golbeck)
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