Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

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last updated at 2002-06-19 21:54
DanC: shows implementation hassles in dealing with rdf:Seq
DanC: cf issue rdfms-seq-representation
em: thanks danc!
AndyS: Notes about a discussion in Sardinia about Query and NetAPIs for RDF
em: "It operates on a trust evaluation system, it evaluates the trustworthiness of the user's suggestion to identify a spam message,"
em: The software is based on Prakash's open-source software Razor
AaronSw: I guess this is a Vipul's Razor commercial edition, which I keep telling you to get.
AaronSw: see also my comments on its new semwebby protocol
AaronSw: Cloudmark's website is probably more interesting. they have software that integratges with Outlook 2000/XP.
cwm --strings tips and tricks
DanC: I offer a 100 point bounty for documentation on how to use cwm's --strings features, including the TOC idiom.
DanC: materials: cwm command-line options docs, including quick mention of --strings
DanC: example of intensive use: wg-sched-report.n3
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