jhendler: Finally got around to naming our SemWeb project and registering the name
jhendler: Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab (MIND), Semantic Web and Agent Project (SWAP)
jhendler: page needs work - but good access to info on what we are up to, and to some of the tools we are testing/releasing
jhendler: Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab (MIND), Semantic Web and Agent Project (SWAP)
jhendler: page needs work - but good access to info on what we are up to, and to some of the tools we are testing/releasing
JibberJim: All searches will return just www.w3.org/RDF/
JibberJim: Well in most browsers if you have javascript enabled.
sandro: Not opera6/linux, for me.
JibberJim: Well in most browsers if you have javascript enabled.
sandro: Not opera6/linux, for me.