Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

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last updated at 2002-05-01 21:52
DanCon: March 1998 by Ellison et. al
DanCon: an interesting candidate for translation to RDF
DanCon: DanC learned this new term today.
bijan: My fault, sorry.
bijan: If this term makes it into a TAG document, please continuing attacking Edd and PaulP instead of me.
AaronSw: Oops, moved into the tests folder
danb_ilrt: Sample track info including sample RDF...
danbri: "while taking too many photos in hong kong, i had an idea i want to bookmark for integrating the image metadata with the six-degrees thing. it oesn't require any new vocab, although more terms might be useful."
danbri: "idea is to represent paths through rdfweb space (from person to person) via images that foaf:depict two or more people. eg i have a picture that depicts libby and me; one with me and chaals; another with chaaals and eric. and so on.... i thought it would make for some nice and highly visual demos. and i got most of the code to do it..."
danbri: "so there you go. one for the when-its-finished list :)"
danbri: Neaby: street scenes in kowloon that got me thinking; more recent writeup; list of people in the database
danbri: Nice work from Libby, Damian, Jim and others for making some of this stuff happen :)
danbri: see also JPEG of the co-depiction connections graph from earlier this month.
JibberJim: Query that outputs RDF rather than just HTML wanted!
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