Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

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last updated at 2002-04-17 19:35
Seth: Wow ... super Kelw !!!
AaronSw: Uses concordance, thesaurus and stemming data to build a 3D web of text
Seth: me thinks that labeled directed arrows go even beyond their logical interpertations
gk: The general structure of this document is that certain patterns of triples are treated as syntactic structures (left column of tables), and each such pattern has an associated semantic constraint.
gk: I point to this as an example of how model theoretic semantics is "hung onto" a syntactic framework.
DanCon: this paper blows me away; I presented a pretty similar design at the Aug 2000 DAML kick-off meeting, and Drew pretty much ridiculed me for it.
DanCon: "we agree that general-purpose theorem proving is unlikely to be a useful technique in the web, and that therefore various special-purpose techniques [...] will play a key role." Amen.
DanCon: "However, we disagree that the best way to control inferencing is by limiting the syntax of the representation language." right on.
DanCon: "The ability to represent arbitrary formulas in RDF should free us from thinking of the semantic web as graph structures serialized as a nightmarish number of pointy brackets." hoot!
gk: Section 6 outlines some thoughts for encoding N3 formulae that I think would fit the "dark" triples ideas.
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