jhendler1: Pat Hayes - Mar 2002
DanCon: in this message, I don't see where Pat says what we would do with dark triples to solve problems, if we had them.
DanCon: in this message, I don't see where Pat says what we would do with dark triples to solve problems, if we had them.
danja: How Everything is Connected to Everything Else
danja: and What it Means for Science, Business and Everyday Life
danja: Cover feature in latest New Scientist
danja: and What it Means for Science, Business and Everyday Life
danja: Cover feature in latest New Scientist
danbri: Useful for rdf calendar folks
sbp: Written in Python (and available as a binary), it converts abbreviated N3 into "proper" N3, pretty printing along the way
sbp: For example, $ n3s -s '{ ?x rdfs:label ?z } => { ?z :labelOf ?x }'...
sbp: ...gives "@prefix : <#> . @prefix log: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . this log:forAll :z , :x . { :x rdfs:label :z } log:implies { :z :labelOf :x } ."
sbp: For those of you who are sick of typing "@prefix log:..." constantly, and always liked echo. Note that there are some other funky features, such as the -i cmdline option (all documented, hopefully)
sbp: (from a 5 minute hack posted to www-archive. Thought that I may as well implement it properly if I'm going to use it)
Seth: Cool! Now what about those redundant leading ':' ??
sbp: Those can be gotten rid of by using @use, or @prefix default. Note that @prefix default <#> . is set implicitly, so that `n3s x y z` is a valid command
Seth: Oh wow! didnt catch that ... great!
sbp: For example, $ n3s -s '{ ?x rdfs:label ?z } => { ?z :labelOf ?x }'...
sbp: ...gives "@prefix : <#> . @prefix log: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . this log:forAll :z , :x . { :x rdfs:label :z } log:implies { :z :labelOf :x } ."
sbp: For those of you who are sick of typing "@prefix log:..." constantly, and always liked echo. Note that there are some other funky features, such as the -i cmdline option (all documented, hopefully)
sbp: (from a 5 minute hack posted to www-archive. Thought that I may as well implement it properly if I'm going to use it)
Seth: Cool! Now what about those redundant leading ':' ??
sbp: Those can be gotten rid of by using @use, or @prefix default. Note that @prefix default <#> . is set implicitly, so that `n3s x y z` is a valid command
Seth: Oh wow! didnt catch that ... great!
DanCon: by David Orchard
AaronSw: Crazy. GETs importance is increased, not lessened in the Web Services world!