dajobe: rather old: Andy Powell talk from 1998
dajobe: this also aimed at librarians: ariadne What is RDF? (v.short)
dajobe: see also D-Lib articles on RDF and/or DUblin Core
dajobe: this also aimed at librarians: ariadne What is RDF? (v.short)
dajobe: see also D-Lib articles on RDF and/or DUblin Core
AaronSw: :A 100 terabytes getting 200 queries per second all on 400 Linux and FreeBSD machines using simple Perl scripts. Source code coming soon.
AaronSw: Kahle: "We're trying to encourage everyone to take their old content that's not online and put it online. [...] Instead of trying to whip students to go back to the physical library, let's put the good stuff on the Net."
AaronSw: Kahle: "We're trying to encourage everyone to take their old content that's not online and put it online. [...] Instead of trying to whip students to go back to the physical library, let's put the good stuff on the Net."
DanC: see also 29Dec blurb
DanC: just released usps.n3, a schema based on United States Postal Service documentation
DanC: and jobieLabels.pl, which makes postscript mailing labels from an RDF file about mailpieces
DanC: now to project my addressbook onto a map...
DanC: just released usps.n3, a schema based on United States Postal Service documentation
DanC: and jobieLabels.pl, which makes postscript mailing labels from an RDF file about mailpieces
DanC: now to project my addressbook onto a map...