AaronSw: A discussion about creating an RSS 1.0-based standard for dealing with Internet messages threads
AaronSw: There'll also be a presentation at the O'Reilly P2P conference
AaronSw: There'll also be a presentation at the O'Reilly P2P conference
AaronSw: MIT's TechReview takes on the SemWeb
AaronSw: Eric Miller sees the light:
"Maestro of metadata: Semantic Web project leader Eric Miller wants to link the Net's information islands into a database Pangea." "Berners-Lee tapped Miller ... because of ... his ability to enthusiastically articulate the concepts behind the Semantic Web."
AaronSw: Peter Merholtz calls the Semantic Web "an interesting academic pursuit" with little bearing on society. "The Semantic Web is getting a lot of hype simply because Tim Berners-Leethe inventor of the World Wide Webis so interested in it," he says. "If it were just some schmuck at some university in Indiana, nobody would care." Heheh.
AaronSw: Oops, I meant PeterMe.com
bijan: May I note that this is a grotesquely ignorant article? Yes? Good. This is a grotesquely ignorant article.
bijan: "One issue concerns inference. The time it takes a computer to draw new conclusions from data, metadata and ontologies on the Web increases rapidly as rules are added to a system." It does? How rapidly, Mark, please tell us!
bijan: "Inference falls into the same category as the classic "traveling-salesman problem" of planning the shortest route through a number of cities." You mean inference is NP HARD!?!?! Really? Could someone provide a citation? Not Mark, apparently.
bijan: "...The same kind of runaway situation exists for inference, where brute-force searches for answers could lead to time-wasting paradoxes or contradictions."
bijan: Huh? The best I can make out is that he's worried about infinite loops (e.g., from the occurs-check problem). But that doesn't make that particular inference NP hard! Infinite loop doesn't ever resolve.
bijan: Infinite loops don't "take longer" as you add more rules!
bijan: Shame, MIT, shame. And "MIT Enterprise" indeed! No wonder I hate the word "enterprise".
bijan: Had a moment of fear when Aaron came up with a purported citation...
bijan: ...thank goodness it was completely irrelevant :)
bijan: Damn, someone keep that boy away from Google.
AaronSw: Eric Miller sees the light:

AaronSw: Peter Merholtz calls the Semantic Web "an interesting academic pursuit" with little bearing on society. "The Semantic Web is getting a lot of hype simply because Tim Berners-Leethe inventor of the World Wide Webis so interested in it," he says. "If it were just some schmuck at some university in Indiana, nobody would care." Heheh.
AaronSw: Oops, I meant PeterMe.com
bijan: May I note that this is a grotesquely ignorant article? Yes? Good. This is a grotesquely ignorant article.
bijan: "One issue concerns inference. The time it takes a computer to draw new conclusions from data, metadata and ontologies on the Web increases rapidly as rules are added to a system." It does? How rapidly, Mark, please tell us!
bijan: "Inference falls into the same category as the classic "traveling-salesman problem" of planning the shortest route through a number of cities." You mean inference is NP HARD!?!?! Really? Could someone provide a citation? Not Mark, apparently.
bijan: "...The same kind of runaway situation exists for inference, where brute-force searches for answers could lead to time-wasting paradoxes or contradictions."
bijan: Huh? The best I can make out is that he's worried about infinite loops (e.g., from the occurs-check problem). But that doesn't make that particular inference NP hard! Infinite loop doesn't ever resolve.
bijan: Infinite loops don't "take longer" as you add more rules!
bijan: Shame, MIT, shame. And "MIT Enterprise" indeed! No wonder I hate the word "enterprise".
bijan: Had a moment of fear when Aaron came up with a purported citation...
bijan: ...thank goodness it was completely irrelevant :)
bijan: Damn, someone keep that boy away from Google.
AaronSw: Some Ideas From Dennis Quan about an imperative scripting language based on Notation3.
AaronSw: Dennis works on the Haystack Project and the Semantic Web
AaronSw: Dennis works on the Haystack Project and the Semantic Web
jhendler: students in cmsc498x at the Univ of Md have completed their first assignment
jhendler: they submitted "lessons learned" -- here is collection of "best of"
AaronSw: Amy Loomis: "The n3 parsers need to generate much clearer error messages. The line numbers notation3.py provides don't make any sense. "
jhendler: some comments that might be worth noting (including the one Aaron just chumped :->)
AaronSw: Matt Westhoff: """ummm the n3 primer, as another student pointed out, "primes you to get pissed off"""" Huh?
sbp: "my suspicion is that it has to do with the rdf:parsetype="collection" stuff, which is a DAML extension to RDF that cwm might not know about" - it should manage to grok it, converting a collection into a list a la (:x :y :z) . perhaps the version of CWM used had a bug
AaronSw: Soumik Sen: "The N3 Primer was not really useful (atleast for me) in explaining how the objects interact with each other. The primer is a good place to start if you just want to know the very, VERY basics."
sbp: 'It is difficult to say, "My father is still married to my mother."' - ah, time and RDF... they mix about as well as oil and water
sbp: On the same Wiki, I just commented on RDFS label confusion. Some mix up with classes/properties too, it seems
jhendler: they submitted "lessons learned" -- here is collection of "best of"
AaronSw: Amy Loomis: "The n3 parsers need to generate much clearer error messages. The line numbers notation3.py provides don't make any sense. "
jhendler: some comments that might be worth noting (including the one Aaron just chumped :->)
AaronSw: Matt Westhoff: """ummm the n3 primer, as another student pointed out, "primes you to get pissed off"""" Huh?
sbp: "my suspicion is that it has to do with the rdf:parsetype="collection" stuff, which is a DAML extension to RDF that cwm might not know about" - it should manage to grok it, converting a collection into a list a la (:x :y :z) . perhaps the version of CWM used had a bug
AaronSw: Soumik Sen: "The N3 Primer was not really useful (atleast for me) in explaining how the objects interact with each other. The primer is a good place to start if you just want to know the very, VERY basics."
sbp: 'It is difficult to say, "My father is still married to my mother."' - ah, time and RDF... they mix about as well as oil and water
sbp: On the same Wiki, I just commented on RDFS label confusion. Some mix up with classes/properties too, it seems
bijan: Cool demo applets, though.
bijan: Biology related [demos:http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/htree_intro.html].
bijan: I meant demos. The above link uses a novel scheme :)
bijan: Thanks to Sean B. Palmer for rubbing my face in my typing errors.
sbp: I keep telling people to stop creating new URI schemes!
bijan: Rub rub rbu. There, don't I fell bteter now?
bijan: Biology related [demos:http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/htree_intro.html].
bijan: I meant demos. The above link uses a novel scheme :)
bijan: Thanks to Sean B. Palmer for rubbing my face in my typing errors.
sbp: I keep telling people to stop creating new URI schemes!
bijan: Rub rub rbu. There, don't I fell bteter now?
DanC: ... "within a single namespace" hmm....
bijan: That worried me, but I found something else where it deals with namespaces. My reporting is not done yet.
bijan: See the SXML spec for more details.
bijan: That worried me, but I found something else where it deals with namespaces. My reporting is not done yet.
bijan: See the SXML spec for more details.
AaronSw: He also has the same for ANSI, CCITT, FIPS, IEEE, ISO, ITU, NIST and PKCS standsards.
AaronSw: Part of a useful online xml2rfc service
deltab: seems http://xml.resource.org/ is the proper URI
AaronSw: Should be very useful for rfcIndexGrok