Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

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last updated at 2001-09-30 22:39
dajobe: (paraphrasing) sees XML & RDF/SW working together rather hopeless, use of N3 indicating lack of committment to XML
dajobe: non-web (PDF) document format only
dajobe: actually don't bother, T&C to look at it too onerous and from Unisys (the "GIF" patent people)
Bayta: Iron_SpermWhale`s project idea
Iron_SpermWhale: The brainstorming page for Hendler's 498x
Iron_SpermWhale: My project ideas are GalleryMaker and EDAS, with EDAS being the one I actually feel like making
grrrrr: Lojban is designed to be used by people in communication with each other, and possibly in the future with computers.
AaronSw: "W3C and the Promotion of Fee-based Standards for the Web"
AaronSw: Makes some pretty loud statements about problems with the draft. Claims "It is likely to extinguish free software development and deployment in the areas where the payment of royalties is required. "
AaronSw: Does anyone form the W3C have a response?
AaronSw: Wow, the comment archives make things look pretty bad. I have trouble believing W3C would actually approve anything tht was as bad as this sounds.
AaronSw: Dave Winer seems found this link and wrote a letter to the W3C
AaronSw: Wow! This thing exploded overnight -- hundreds of new messages are in the comments archive
AaronSw: Dave Winer mails lots of people about the issue
AaronSw: Oh, it was slashdotted
AaronSw: twice
AaronSw: LinuxToday covers the story
AaronSw: Alan Cox writes: "I can smell the rot from here."
AaronSw: Wesley Felter writes: "Patents and standards don't mix. Let's not mix them any more than they already are."
danbri_: See also W3C SW Activity Statement on IPR.
dajobe: I note RDF Core is Royalty Free
AaronSw: After waiting a day for a W3C response, I weigh in
AaronSw: David McCusker writes a 3-parter: "patents are grub stakes"
aelkiss498x: CMSC498 Class Wiki
sbp: On the Gazetteer idea, my GEO URN Namespace proposal may be of interest
AaronSw: a program to display the class and property hierarchies present in a DAML ontology.
AaronSw: prints out interesting HTML reports
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