danbri: Metalog - a natural language rdf query system
danbri: A few years old, this. Good reference for natural language meets RDF query and inference.
danbri: I think, along with DesignIssues/, Enabling Inference and the Query/Inference Services for RDF papers, it was amongst the first in the (now blossoming) rdf-logic tradition.
danbri: A few years old, this. Good reference for natural language meets RDF query and inference.
danbri: I think, along with DesignIssues/, Enabling Inference and the Query/Inference Services for RDF papers, it was amongst the first in the (now blossoming) rdf-logic tradition.
DanC_: scribe-bot -- toward automated meeting scribe
DanC_: ircAsync.py 1.1 checked in
AaronSw: I see a promising future for these kinds of bots...
AaronSw: Maybe I'll even get around to hacking on them
DanC_: next step: a module to connect ircAsync.py with cwm.py/notation3.py
DanC_: RDF/n3 in from IRC is working.
DanC_: it answers questions now. (rdfn3chat.py 1.3)
DanC_: TODO: take advantage of the medusa/asyncore architecture and answer HTTP requests as well; e.g. dump the KB in RDF/xml
DanC_: TODO: grab stuff by reference. (hmm... can use log:resolvesTo to do this already, to some extent)
DanC_: aha! saving works! bot state
DanC_: TODO: support reloading (e.g. after it loses its marbles)
DanC_: ircAsync.py 1.1 checked in
AaronSw: I see a promising future for these kinds of bots...
AaronSw: Maybe I'll even get around to hacking on them
DanC_: next step: a module to connect ircAsync.py with cwm.py/notation3.py
DanC_: RDF/n3 in from IRC is working.
DanC_: it answers questions now. (rdfn3chat.py 1.3)
DanC_: TODO: take advantage of the medusa/asyncore architecture and answer HTTP requests as well; e.g. dump the KB in RDF/xml
DanC_: TODO: grab stuff by reference. (hmm... can use log:resolvesTo to do this already, to some extent)
DanC_: aha! saving works! bot state
DanC_: TODO: support reloading (e.g. after it loses its marbles)
em: Sample output from DanC's swBot http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2000/scribe-bot/