edd: Lets you plan itineraries on your Palm.
edd: I've found this very helpful.
DanCon: does it read from the web? or do I have to key in everything redudnantly?
edd: It doesn't deal with the web as far as I know. It comes with plenty of information preloaded.
edd: For US and world airport travel, you're pretty much set.
edd: I've found this very helpful.
DanCon: does it read from the web? or do I have to key in everything redudnantly?
edd: It doesn't deal with the web as far as I know. It comes with plenty of information preloaded.
edd: For US and world airport travel, you're pretty much set.
danbri: ETAI, Reasoning about Actions and Change: discussion on Ontologies for Time (Eric Sandwell)
libby_: modelling the structure of Grphviz's .dot input files using an RDF vocabulary
libby_: by Dan Connolly
libby_: by Dan Connolly
DanCon: I might want to tone this down a bit...
DanCon: I intend to add an RDF/dot based picture of the network set-up I used
DanCon: need to credit GSM as well. U.S. cell-phone infrastructure is a crime/shame.
DanCon: I'd like to eliminate circut-switched infrastructure from my life altogether, but we're not quite there yet.
DanCon: I should send this to the W3C Mobile IG if I ever get it closer to finished.
DanCon: I composed it in the cab from the KC airport to my home ;-)