AaronSw: First part is creating common bytecode -- many languages compiling to the same bytecode
AaronSw: RLS is likely to change to be a URI-based system -- was originally results of a brainstorm
dajobe: Resource Locator String (RLS)specification
AaronSw: dotGNU Tokens Spec
AaronSw: DanC thinks this is related to Web/OO stuff, especially how Corba is not minimally constraining
AaronSw: RLS is likely to change to be a URI-based system -- was originally results of a brainstorm
dajobe: Resource Locator String (RLS)specification
AaronSw: dotGNU Tokens Spec
AaronSw: DanC thinks this is related to Web/OO stuff, especially how Corba is not minimally constraining
libby: including the SWWS data, which is the only data here that I've checked thoroughly
AaronSw: Aaron also has some personal scheduling data
AaronSw: Aaron also has some personal scheduling data
AaronSw: A free replacement for the .NET strategy - authorization systems, web sservices, etc. but all encrypted and decentralized
AaronSw: Matthias Rosenkranz has proposed a conversion from RLS into URIs
AaronSw: They also hang out on #dotgnu
AaronSw: People are doing a similar thing for Jabber
AaronSw: I've always wondered why Jabber IDs aren't URIs...
AaronSw: See also their mailing lists
AaronSw: Matthias Rosenkranz has proposed a conversion from RLS into URIs
AaronSw: They also hang out on #dotgnu
AaronSw: People are doing a similar thing for Jabber
AaronSw: I've always wondered why Jabber IDs aren't URIs...
AaronSw: See also their mailing lists
DanCon: cited from my unfinished article, "Corba is not Mimally Constraining"