A(n XML) schema for serialised infosets, Richard Tobin and Henry Thompson, LTG, University of Edinburgh
danbri: Very useful document; I never miss an opportunity to plug in...
danbri: Prolog FAQs - Resource Guide and Implementations (last updated 1997)
AaronSw: "Veteran technology reporter Lewis Koch speaks to worldwide web consortium developer, Aaron Swartz, a high school sophomore and last year at age 13 Aaron was the youngest winner of a contest at MIT that recognized the ten best non-commercial websites developed by someone 18 or younger."
AaronSw: On the show Eight-Forty-Eight from local NPR affiliate, WBEZ
AaronSw: Hopefully I'll be able to get an MP3 up soon.
AaronSw: On the show Eight-Forty-Eight from local NPR affiliate, WBEZ
AaronSw: Hopefully I'll be able to get an MP3 up soon.