DanC: we're working on pictures
AaronSw: An Internet-Draft
AaronSw: The mapping goes both ways:
AaronSw: <http://example.com/tag42> -> application/uri.http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Ftag42
AaronSw: image/JPEG -> ContentType:image/jpeg -- (eww, new URI scheme)
AaronSw: The mapping goes both ways:
AaronSw: <http://example.com/tag42> -> application/uri.http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Ftag42
AaronSw: image/JPEG -> ContentType:image/jpeg -- (eww, new URI scheme)
danbri: DanBri's RDF sitemapping testbed, in (as it remains) pre-release state. Lots of interesting data for folk to play with though.