sbp: great!
SethR: This defines an internal data structure of an application
SethR: it is not proposed to replace or extend the external RDF data model
SethR: This defines an internal data structure of an application
SethR: it is not proposed to replace or extend the external RDF data model
jonb: relevent regarding 'anonymous' nodes
SethR: Yep, if you want to remain anonymous, you'd better not identify yourself
SethR: Yep, if you want to remain anonymous, you'd better not identify yourself
edd: By Robin Milner
DanC_: "... the act of using a name, or address, is inextricably confused with the act of communication"
DanC_: I think I should replace my reference to CSP in my writings on protocols for state distribution with a link to this pi-calculus stuff
DanC_: "... the act of using a name, or address, is inextricably confused with the act of communication"
DanC_: I think I should replace my reference to CSP in my writings on protocols for state distribution with a link to this pi-calculus stuff
jhendler: This web debate on future e-access to the primary literature carries two new
jhendler: and communicate with each other, opening up a host of new opportunities.
jhendler: Sem Web article in Nature - online now, print next week
jhendler: and communicate with each other, opening up a host of new opportunities.
jhendler: Sem Web article in Nature - online now, print next week
SethR: Has anyone evaluated this for use in drawing RDF graphs ?
SethR: available on many platforms including Win32 (includes binary execuitables?)