danja: | Wontok dictionary
danja: 'You can learn it in about two days, because it's got no tenses, no subjunctive, only two prepositions and no verb "to be" and no grammar'
AaronSw: I wonder about the symbolism of blue vs. orange...
dajobe: I like blue
dajobe: Make the RDF visible for humans, if they are wierdos and can read it :-)
dajobe: I like blue
dajobe: Make the RDF visible for humans, if they are wierdos and can read it :-)
danbri: Unfortunately titled (for the pomo-averse), contains some interesting views on theory of reference.
AaronSw: Why no link to the Calendaring Task Force?!
AaronSw: Nice redesign, by the way
AaronSw: Nice redesign, by the way
GabeW: A very good intro to DAML+OIL
edd: Perhaps we can persuade him over to the declarative side...