dajobe: "Will be published on March 19, 2001" in USA
AaronSw: i'm reading through the draft, bunch of nasty rdf things...
AaronSw: I'll set them straight. ;-)
AaronSw: I'll set them straight. ;-)
ken: Attributes of namespace objects magically get turned into their concrete names.
ken: Where it used to be "channel[(dc, 'rights')]", it is now "channel[DC.rights]".
ken: Maybe we can do that in Perl as "$channel->{$dc->rights}", instead of "$channel->{[$dc, 'rights']}".
ken: Note, XML::RSS uses "$channel->{'dc'}->{'rights'}", note the use of the literal 'dc'.
ken: Where it used to be "channel[(dc, 'rights')]", it is now "channel[DC.rights]".
ken: Maybe we can do that in Perl as "$channel->{$dc->rights}", instead of "$channel->{[$dc, 'rights']}".
ken: Note, XML::RSS uses "$channel->{'dc'}->{'rights'}", note the use of the literal 'dc'.
jon: its an example