Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

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last updated at 2001-03-09 16:16
edd: Shouldn't take too long to write a stylesheet to make RSS out of this
edd: Most of the talk I gave at KT2001 written up in essay form on
dajobe: You can also read the RDF API and tools ovweview I gave at KT2001
edd: (Typos are just part of life with the bot, same as if you're logging. Turns out it's a reasonable 80/20 point :-)
Using the dc bot
edd: The bot picks up on URLs and other keywords posted in the channel
edd: The simplest thing to do is to post a URL in, on a line on its own
edd: The bot will reply with a label, say A
edd: You can then append comments by saying, A:This is my comment
edd: To post an anonymous comment, use they keyword BLURB:<Title of the comment>
edd: And then annotate in the usual manner.
edd: To title a link, rather than having the raw URI, put a pipe as the first thing after the label, e.g. A:|title o my link
edd: Comments support some basic wiki-like markup. To emphasise something, surround it by asterisks (*s)
edd: To create an inline link, use square brackets thus: {text to link|URI to link to} (replace the curlies with square brackets in this example to get it to work!)
edd: You can also inline images, which is occasionally handy. For example, here's the XMLhack logo:
edd: I did that by preceding the first bracket of an inline link with '+'. The text before the pipe goes into the alt tag, if provided.
edd: The bot records the current IRC topic at the top. This means if you change the topic daily it gets used in indexes, so it serves as day-based metadata.
edd: You can access the HTML from the main scratchpad URI. Just replace ".html" with ".xml" to get the raw XML.
edd: I'm going to work on cronjobs for the search engine and to package up all the XML into ZIP archives.
edd: Send any problems or comments about the bot to chump at heddley dot com
edd: Some additional commands usable from IRC-- say 'dc:view N' to get the last N URLs posted. The default is 5. say 'L:' to get the bot to recite what it knows about a label L.
dajobe: the topic prefixes are remembered until midnight GMT
edd: after that each day is archived with a permanent URI, and anchors for each item
edd: (it's a TODO to give each day a permanent URI from the beginning, rather than on archiving)
edd: (dc stands for daily chump)
Created by the Daily Chump bot. Hosted by PlanetRDF.