Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

Nearby: IRC logs | semantic-web list | W3C Wiki (Recent changes) | delicious swigbot

last updated at 2007-06-07 19:29
hendler: Webby award - says Web experts were involve
timbl: Mozilla bug with registering to hand;e RDF in Moz
timbl: complicates eg tabulator
jambo: possible workaround is nsICategoryManager.deleteCategoryEntry("Gecko-Content-Viewers","application/rdf+xml",false);
gromgull: Storing meta-data about objects in spotlight
gromgull: By Knud Möller
gromgull: Screencasts:
Created by the Daily Chump bot. Hosted by PlanetRDF.